We at Synergate are able to assist business that are underperforming, distressed, or near insolvency by developing and implementing complete bespoke turnaround and restructuring plans.

When we are engaged we quickly mobilize our people and diagnose the situation and begin to generate solutions. Typical solutions include but not limited to the following:

1.Stabilization of crisis:

Stakeholder management To create calm.
Generating one-off wins on cash generation e.g disposal of peripheral assets
Implementing strong cash controls

2.Debt restructuring:

This can be done in two ways:


Negotiation with trade and finance creditors with the objective of securing sensible deals that are achievable and will give the enterprise a new lease of life. Such deal will be ratified by formal agreements.


Restructuring can be achieved through the application of the procedures prescribed by the new bankruptcy law (Federal law no.9) enacted in 2016.

In conducting this service we work closely with experienced lawyers.


Without a fresh injection of cash, it is very difficult if not impossible to achieve a successful turnaround. Sources of turnaround finance are very scarce but we do have access to several such sources who have the appetite to invest in distressed businesses.

4.Performance improvement:

To achieve a successful turnaround, the enterprise must develop and implement radical and rapid improvements to its profitability and cash.
To help our clients to achieve this we come alongside them and together with them develop and implement the appropriate measures that will deliver these objectives.

5.Nurture and growth

Once the enterprise reaches the state of normality, attention will be turned to developing and growing the business to reach its potential.